Road to Admin - Roadmap for new users

  • 27 July 2023
  • 1 reply


Hello Heap Community! 


I’m looking for some guidance - I’m brand new to Heap. Does anyone have a recommended step-by-step learning path I could take? I’ve completed a few beginner introductory courses but not sure what to touch next. My plan is to complete all courses and exams offered by Heap so I can work my way up to Admin within Alo Yoga.


As a new employee here at Alo, I’ve noticed this is a good chance for me to audit/clean-up the mess within our platform. But before touching anything I want to make sure I have great foundational knowledge of Heap. 



1 reply

Userlevel 3
Badge +2

Hi There! I’m a member of the Heap Customer Education Team. Not sure what you’ve taken yet, but here are some links:
Getting Started Learning Path  - Starting with the very basics

Building Skills - Moving on to working with query modifiers/filters and Heap charts, plus using dashboard templates.

Organizing and Managing Heap - all things Admin! A good choice for you since you’re looking to “audit/clean up the mess” - great tips for getting and keeping your environment clean and building data trust.

Good luck and let us know if you there’s other content you’d like to see!


